Welcome to our resource page on Relaxation & Therapy! Here you will find information, links and video resources to help people relax!
Relaxation & Therapy
Art therapy is a way to relax and reduce stress by encouraging creativity, such as using music or art as a stress reliever and improving the emotional health of people. Art therapy is often performed by a licensed therapist, but can be done alone or with other people. The resources provided here aim to encourage people to engage in more creative activities as a way to relieve stress and anxiety, with less emphasis on perfectionism but simply expressing yourself, which as adults people rarely get that chance.
For more on the definition on Relaxation & Therapy, this article is a useful resource for more information on the benefits that it can have on mental wellbeing.
Video Resources:
Box breathing relaxation technique: how to calm feelings of stress or anxiety
What is Art Therapy?
Relieve Stress & Anxiety with Simple Breathing Techniques
Feeling Stressed? - Relaxation Techniques
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