Behavioural Disorder: Symptoms And Types

Behavioural Disorder
Behavioral Disorder The most common explanation given to parents for sending a child for mental health evaluation and treatment is a behavioural pr...

Behavioural Disorder: Symptoms And Types

Behavioural Disorder
Behavioral Disorder The most common explanation given to parents for sending a child for mental health evaluation and treatment is a behavioural pr...

Autism Spectrum Disorder And Their Causes

Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism spectrum disorders include disorders that were previously believed to be distinct diagnoses, such as Asperger’s syn...

Mood Disorders: Types, Symptoms, And Treatment

Mood Disorders Mood disorders alter or conflict with the person’s general emotional state or mood, which impairs their capacity to behave. Clinical...

Anxiety Disorder And Their Types

Anxiety Disorder Anxiety disorder is a specific type of mental illness. People with anxiety disorders may feel anxious or frightened in response to...

Mental Health; Causes, Types, And Treatments

Mental Health
Mental health is the state of mental health that enables people to cope with the pressures of life, recognize their own abilities, learn, perform w...

Menopause- Its Causes and Symptoms

During menopause, your menstrual periods come to an end. It can be diagnosed after 12 months without menstruation. Menopause can occur in your 40s ...

Arthritis- Its Symptoms and Types

Arthritis is a disorder that affects your joints (areas where your bones meet and move). It commonly causes inflammation or joint degeneration (bre...

Why Sports are Important for Fitness and Health?

The influence of sports on a person's daily life and health is enormous. They give you a healthy body in addition to an intriguing routine. Partici...

Stretching and Yoga- How They Are Related

The controversy on yoga vs stretching is a very popular topic. From what social media tells us, yoga is a form of fancy-worded stretching that incl...

Benefits of Mindful Journal

Journaling is a practice that fosters a heightened awareness of one's self and environment. Altogether, writing creatively and letting go of negati...

Dementia; Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Dementia Dementia is an umbrella term that refers to a variety of distinct medical diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. Abnormal brain alterati...

Thyroid Gland Diseases; Causes and Types

Thyroid Thyroid gland plays a crucial role in your body by producing and managing thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism. Your body converts the...

Diabetes; Types, Prevention and Treatment

Diabetes Diabetes is a long-term (chronic) illness that affects how your body converts food into energy. The majority of the food you consume is co...